Wednesday, December 2, 2009

19th Step closer to saving $10,000 in a year.

Be honest about your income level with your friends.

I have friends who earn much more than I do and those who earn less, sometimes much less. Depending on what year it is, I can be the top earner in the crowd or near the bottom. This is important when it comes to socializing, because I can afford the lifestyle of someone in a higher income demographic. I need to feel comfortable enough to say, “I can’t go to Utah to fish this year.” Or “We can’t join you for the weekend away.” This can be a huge savings.

Let’s look at a past time everyone in the world participates in except me, golf.

A local private club here in central Ohio charges $2,700 a year for an individual membership with fees on top of that.

Meanwhile an unlimited pass to all 7 of our Columbus City Courses is $999. A $1,701 and you get to play 7 different courses.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

18th Step closer to saving $10,000 in a year.

Nursing or Formula (I can’t believe I’m even going here!)

My wife and I used formula on both our children. It’s much more comfortable for her and convenient for both of us. I enjoy being involved with my kids and while no one likes 3:00 am feedings I enjoy being with my children.
Our children are both very healthy so the only advantage we see that nursing offers is expense.
Those cans of formula are $20.00 on sale! Kids can go through 2-3 of those a week so that’s spending $2,080.00 on the low side.
However, this is one case where, for us, the convenience is worth the price.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

17th Step closer to saving $10,000 in a year.

Weight Loss

Freakonomics author, Steven Levitt, said weight loss is a huge incongruity in the world. Millions of dollars are spent every year by people trying to loose weight, when weight loss is free! Not only is it free, it ends up saving people money on food not purchased and improved health. So why do people spend so much on something free? Maybe you should stop.
The information of daily cost is not on the web sites of Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig, they want you to register or call in. This information comes from and their research puts the cost at $8.00 to $10.00 a day.
On the high side, a weight loss book from the library would save a person $3,600 a year.

Monday, January 5, 2009

16th Step closer to saving $10,000

Wash your own car
If you wash your car once a week at one of those gas station car washes it can cost you $8 on the low end. Wash the car yourself and you get the exercise and the savings. Wash your spouse’s and double the savings. It’s a savings of $416 a year for yourself.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

15th Step closer to saving $10,000

Do you spend $20 a month on taking your clothes to the cleaner? Could you just as easily wash & iron many of your clothes yourself except the thoes with Dry Clean Only tags?

Cutting $20 a month off of the bill will save you $240 a year.