Wednesday, December 2, 2009

19th Step closer to saving $10,000 in a year.

Be honest about your income level with your friends.

I have friends who earn much more than I do and those who earn less, sometimes much less. Depending on what year it is, I can be the top earner in the crowd or near the bottom. This is important when it comes to socializing, because I can afford the lifestyle of someone in a higher income demographic. I need to feel comfortable enough to say, “I can’t go to Utah to fish this year.” Or “We can’t join you for the weekend away.” This can be a huge savings.

Let’s look at a past time everyone in the world participates in except me, golf.

A local private club here in central Ohio charges $2,700 a year for an individual membership with fees on top of that.

Meanwhile an unlimited pass to all 7 of our Columbus City Courses is $999. A $1,701 and you get to play 7 different courses.

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